Monday, January 29, 2007

Let the '07 adventures begin!!

Our Adventures for 2007 started in Arkansas with family and friends....sure didn't dream about my first adventure in Wa for 2007 coming in the form of a snow storm, frigid temps and sheets of ice. But that's what we got!!
Frankie and I spent most of the time inside warm by the fire....we stayed entertained with all the birds coming to the feeders.

The above line about being in Arkansas, that's where I'm from...I don't do cold well....but I DID get out...ok, it was only once to take a few photos then quickly back to the warmth of the fire!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

2006-Random Shots

2006----Where did it go????
Just a few images of things and places that stole my time...I'll try and do better at posting photos more promptly this year!!