Tuesday, September 27, 2005

9-26-05 Fall has arrived!!!! Posted by Picasa

9-26-05 Posted by Picasa

9-26-05 Posted by Picasa

9-26-05 Posted by Picasa

9-26-05 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

9-18-05 We started this Sunday with breakfast at Milo's City Cafe in Portland...it was early and decieded we had time to go see the salmon going thru the fish ladders at Bonneville Damn before church. This picture was taken at one of the windows down at the viewing area. It is amazing to watch these fish struggling to get thru the ladders......sad actually. Never made it to church....it was just too nice out and I wanted to get into the back country..... Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 Bridge of the Gods ....crossing over the Colombia River back into Wa. After seeing the salmon at the damn we wanted to see if they were coming up the North Fork of the Lewis River as well. I got out the Topo map and picked us out a good road across the forest....I love having a jeep!!! Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 Got the top off of the jeep and heading down FR 43 in the Gifford Pinchot Nat'l Forest here in beautiful Wa State......it was pretty cool in some spots.....having a heater is a good thing!! Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 My turn to drive....don't think it was a relaxing ride for my man as I had a destination on the other side of the forest to get to....must admit to having fun ripping around the dirt roads!! Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 FR 43......fall colors are starting to creep there way into the mts Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 This vantage point is one of my favorites along FR41. You pull off onto what seems a huge parking area ... the views are breathtaking. There is an old road here that is bouldered off to vehicles but you can hike or ride mt bikes on up. We've hiked aways on it before and seen lots of bear sign...track & scat......could be why this is one of my favorite places! Didn't have time to hike today as we were trying to get to Lucia Falls before dark. Hope to get back up there soon!! Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 along FR41........this is looking to the right of the jeep with Mt Hood in the distance! Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 along FR 41.......this is looking to the left of where the jeep was parked and you can see Mt Adams in the distance. Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 Mt Hood from somewhere along FR41 Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 Lucia Falls on the North Fork of the Lewis River. This was our destination for the day....didn't know that when we started out...were hoping to see some salmon jumping upstream but no luck!! Posted by Picasa

9-18-05 Me at the end of an awesome day. I'm sitting on a bluff overlooking the North Fork of the Lewis river in Wa Posted by Picasa

9-17-05 Ingredients for a perfect meal...weber, hickory & McClards Bar BQ sauce!! Posted by Picasa

9-17-05 Working on a perfect supper!! Posted by Picasa

9-17-05 gathering tomatos from our small garden! Posted by Picasa

9-7-05 I spent the first week of Sept in Ar with my parents.....it was a great visit & I miss them dearly!! Posted by Picasa

9-7-05 Dad with his pets and their early morning ritual of treats on the way to get the newspaper. He did have rooster that joined the group ....that was an interesting mix as they followed dad around the yard!! Posted by Picasa

9-2-05 Hwy 70 into Hot Springs with Hot Springs Mt .....downtown is nestled in a valley on the other side of the hill. There are 4 beautiful lakes close to town as well....it has become a tourist trap town!! Posted by Picasa

9-2-05 Central Ave, downtown Hot Springs Posted by Picasa

9-2-05 The Arlington Hotel...this was one of Al Capones hangouts Posted by Picasa

9-2-05 Old Hot Springs High School.......where President Clinton went to school....he used to love to go to one of my aunt's house and raid her fridge! Posted by Picasa