Monday, July 12, 2004

Mom & Dad's first week!!

My Parents got in for a visit last Tuesday and had a good flight out. Mom says she's not any more tired than usual....we've tried to go easy for her, you can't tell by looking that she has cancer but does get tired rather easy.
We went to Oregon City to the End of the Trail interpretive Center on Thursday. Seems that "Barlow Road" which was what most of the wagon trains coming to Oregon took ended at Oregon City. It is a nice museum featuring a movie that uses actual journal entry's from 4 different people to chronicle the journey out and a Trolley ride around the city. Most of the original houses are still there with the furnishings but we didn't go thru any of them.
Dad is enjoying the fresh fruit and we don't pass up many fresh markets!!....or yard sales!! ha ha
Chuck took dad for an outing Saturday up to Falls Creek Falls, it was quite the hike for dad but he made it with flying colors. Chuck even came home with a muddy jeep, seems he and dad got adventurous and almost got stuck......I think dad was driving!! ha ha

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