Wednesday, October 06, 2004

10-5-05 This is the Associate Director of the Coldwater Ridge visitors center giving an interview to an unknown member of the press. He was talking about the effects of the explosion in 1980 on plant and animal life on and around Mt St Helens. I learned that after the initial blast in 1980 toads made there way up in hundreds from spirit lake up to the center of the crater, they were followed by garter snakes seems as if they have been thriving up there. I find that amazing! He was also saying that just 3 days ago now when one of the crews went into drop more equipment in the crater to replace stuff that had been damaged on Friday during the first explosion they reported seeing a Mt Goat that lives up there hanging around the rim. Seems the animals that survived 1980 were ones that were diverse in there eating habits, coyotes were eating the dead bugs etc. I felt fortunate to have been sitting where I was to hear all this!! Posted by Hello

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